Happy New Year 2018

Hello everyone, Happy New Year. It has been a couple of days since my last post. Let me get you caught up from the last post: my daughter is still sick, her therapies have been canceled due to Christmas and New Years (which gives us a break to work on all the homework they give us and gives me a chance to get the house organized). Bella is starting to talk a little more; using the words she knows real well with combining them with other words she has been picking up. Bella is chewing her food better while she eats. My husband and I are so proud of her and to see how far she has come from 2015 being in the NICU for 71 days to a full-fledged two-year old.

happy new year

In 2018, I am expecting great things from God to happen in my life, my marriage, my daughter, my husband, in my church faith-family, and all the other people in my life. I just wanted to share some of my new years resolutions with you:

  • As a mom
    •  Start teaching her about Jesus (reading devotionals on daily basis again, watch veggie tales with her, and pray with her)
    • Set a better example of eating healthier (she eats her veggies-I need to cook more veggies than just the ones I know that she will eat.)
    • Make her feel special every day
    • Try to start potty training
  • As a Wife
    • Pray for my husband daily
    • Lift my husband up when he is down
    • Pray scriptures over him
    • Try to do something special for him once a week of some sort
    • Speak positively towards him
    • Help him whenever he needs help
  • For Myself
    • Make it a priority to have my quiet with the Lord every day
    • Try to get healthier: lose weight, eat better
    • Do more things for myself: nails, read a book
    • Quit being hard on myself on certain things
    • Try to keep house clean and organized

What are some of your resolutions for the new year? As a mom? As a wife? For yourself? I hope that you have a blessed 2018 and that you stay expecting for God to do something throughout the year.

Love, Amanda

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